Olizane map details.

The following covers correspond to the first edition of the Ladakh and Zangskar travel map published in 2010 and to the third edition of the Ladakh and Zangskar trekking maps published in 2013.

General Travel Map

The map covers all the regions of Ladakh and Zangskar including the Kargil and Suru regions.

front cover
back cover

Trekking Map North

The north map covers the regions of Nubra and Shyog as the lower part of the Ladakh, from Saspol, down to the Brog Yul and the Purig regions.

front cover
back cover

Trekking Map Center

The center map covers the central and lower Zangskar areas as the upper Ladakh and Pangong regions.

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back cover

Trekking Map South

The south map covers the regions of upper Zangskar, Rupshu and Lho Yul (Lahaul).

front cover
back cover